We don't need to have a deep pocket or to be rich to help the needy, the poor and the hungry, we need to have a heart.

We don't need to have a deep pocket or to be rich to help the needy, the poor and the hungry, we need to have a heart.
We don't need to have a deep pocket or to be rich to help the needy, the poor and the hungry, we need to have a heart.
In confined cities and refugee camps, deliver critical things to struggling families and the elderly.
Many a penny makes a pond; drops of water make the ocean. So if we work together we can change the world in a better way.
Your donation can save millions of poor people around the world and make the world a better place
The COVID-19 epidemic is a once-in-a-generation event that will take the best of humanity to conquer. Your contribution to this fund will help with both short- and long-term relief.
Providing financial support for helping individuals build livelihoods during the unprecedent time in world history Help us make world diseases free!
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
Syrian Refugee Crises
Food & Health Program
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Die New Creation Mitarbeiter kamen mit ihren Ehepartnern und Kindern zu einem Gemeinschaftstag zusammen. Spiele, Gespräche und das gemeinsame Mittagessen […]